The Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City (BUH) visited Griffith Nathan campus on Tuesday 14 June 2016. The visit saw discussions centre on collaborations with Griffith Business School (GBS). As one of the top three banking and finance universities in Vietnam, BUH is an important partner for GBS.

BUH delegation leader, Mr Tan Phat Le, President, Student Services, was keen to point out that BUH lecturers and students are very interested in international cooperation with Griffith University.

During the meeting Professor Peter Best, Discipline Head of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, spoke about Griffith’s Bachelor Commerce Accounting major. Professor Best gave a detailed explanation regarding articulation opportunities for BUH students within the Bachelor of Commerce. These include an embedded pathway to CPA Australia Associate Membership, and exemptions from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Fundamental Level exams. Professor Best mentioned that both these qualifications are recognised throughout the world.

“Graduates can then return to Vietnam to complete their CPA or ACCA Professional Level exams”, Professor Best said.

With 129 countries currently being represented at Griffith, Vietnamese students rank eighth, demonstrating the importance of this region and in particular, this partnership in Griffith’s overall commitment to Asian engagement. Griffith now has a wide range of rich and diverse connections with Asia across many of its academic disciplines, engaging students and staff on all of its campuses.