We’re looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to join the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing (WOW)!
About the GUPF scheme
Griffith University administers an annual competitive Postdoctoral Fellowship (GUPF) scheme, offering up to eight (two year, fixed—term) Fellowships University—wide. Full details can be accessed via the Office for Research website.
WOW invites Expressions of Interest (EoI) by 5 pm (AEST), 6, May 2016, from applicants interested in competing for one Fellowship to be (potentially) housed by the Centre. Note: EoIs received after this date will not be considered.
Download the EoI form here (docx. 44kb).
Completed EoIs should be submitted to the Centre Manager, Clare Inwood, in one document (MS Word or PDF file format) via email: [email protected].
About the Centre

The Postdoctoral Fellow will pursue an independent program of research that relates to one of the Centre’s seven areas of research strength.
We are an interdisciplinary research group whose scholarly members conduct research in seven broad areas of strength. They are:
WOW researchers seek to understand the changing world of work in this era of significant social, economic and technological change using theoretically-informed and empirically-driven research as the gap between research, practice and policy is bridged.
For further information about the Scheme, and potential WOW supervisors/ mentors to support your EoI application, please visit our website.