The Queensland Minister for Housing and Public Works, the Honorable Mick de Brenni recently launched a discussion paper on housing for Queensland at a recent symposium hosted by the Urban Research Program at South Bank campus.
The paper takes a broad perspective on housing and examines issues such as affordability, appropriate housing design for all residents and the need for more flexibility in the market. It builds on the government’s recent Fairness Review.
These important questions were further addressed by Griffith colleagues who also spoke at the the Housing Futures Symposium: Dr Judy Kraatz on new ways of valuing social housing; Dr Heather Shearer on young people’s housing needs and Dr Margaret Ward on how we can design better homes for disabled people.
“We all now have the opportunity to respond to the discussion paper and contribute to a new and better housing strategy for Queensland,’’ said Professor Paul Burton, Director of the Urban Research Program.
The discussion paper has been released on the Queensland Government’s website, Get Involved.Online responses are open until 20 May 2016.