Griffith Sciences and Griffith Health laboratories are going green.

The Green Labs program aims to provide more sustainable practices in laboratory procedures and management.

“In laboratories sustainability offers real challenges and opportunities in minimizing energy, water consumption and chemical/biological waster,’’ says Stephen Boyd, Griffith Sciences Technical Manager.

“Compared to other work areas such as office space, laboratories are high-energy consumers and/or producers of these factors.

“Making even small changes in energy consumption or waste production will provide a significant benefit in reducing the carbon footprint and environmental load from laboratory operations.”

Green Labs objectives are:

  • Reduce energy and water consumption
  • Improve waste disposal and recycling practices
  • Raise environmental impact and protection awareness in laboratories
  • Improve purchasing decisions in laboratories


Second-year Bachelor of Science student Clinton Carty-Lewis in a chemistry lab at Nathan campus.

Second-year Bachelor of Science student Clinton Carty-Lewisuses a lower fume cupboard hood sash height to conserve energy.

“Simple practices include switching off electrical appliances when not in use, reduction of fume cupboard hood sash heights which reduces waste of conditioned air, and appropriate sharing of chemicals to minimise duplication and accumulation in stock.

“Universities worldwide are implementing sustainability initiatives including similar Green Lab programs. Griffith University will continue to develop the program to be as comprehensive as possible.”

More information on the Green Labs Program here.