Yokohama National University (YNU) met with Griffith’s Business School during a two day delegation visit led by Professor Hiroshi Morita, Dean of the College of Business Administration. The visit to Griffith’s Nathan campus on 8 & 9 March 2016 saw discussions focus on collaborative opportunities. Griffith’s Professor Fabrizio Carmignani, Head of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, noted that “There are a number of areas in teaching and research that could be focused on“.

The delegation was able to postpone their departure to allow time to also meet with Griffith’s Pro Vice Chancellor (Business), Professor David Grant during the second day of their visit. Speaking immediately after the meeting Professor Grant said “We are delighted to have had the opportunity to meet with our colleagues from Yokohama National University. Griffith Business School and The College of Business Administration at Yokohama University are keen to collaborate in a number of areas of expertise in business education and scholarship that they have in common and to do so in ways that will be to their mutual benefit”.

Established in 1949, YNU is a Japanese national university with a very good reputation, with particular strengths within the areas of Commerce/Economics and Engineering. Whilst here, the YNU delegation also learnt about Griffith’s active learning strategies – an educational approach where student engagement is central to learning. Griffith University offers a number of active learning strategies including interactive lectures that engage students in critical analysis, reflection, feedback and application to real-world contexts.