Funding for Gold Coast and Germany research exchange

Institute for Glycomics research leader Dr Thomas Haselhorst and Bremen University's Professor Sørge Kelm are working together to fight non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Griffith Sciences
Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics together with Germany’s Bremen University have received funding to continue a research exchange program which will see them begin testing its newly developed chemotherapy drug to treat non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, one of the ten most common cancers in the world, is a type of blood cancer involving the lymphatic […]

Here’s why we don’t have a vaccine for Zika (and other mosquito-borne viruses)

Institute for Glycomics and the Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery will explore the effects Zika virus has on neurological cells.
Griffith Sciences
By Suresh Mahalingam, Principal Research Leader, Institute for Glycomics As Zika fear rises, especially in the wake of the World Health Organization last night declaring a state of public health emergency, people are inevitably asking why we don’t have a vaccine to protect against the mosquito-borne virus. Zika is generally a mild illness, causing fever, […]