Megan Owen-Jones will be the third generation of her family to study at Griffith University.

With her grandmother Margaret, father William, uncle Robert and aunts Catherine and Judith already holding Griffith degrees, it’s now Megan’s turn to keep the family name going on campus.

Megan is among approximately 10,000 applicants offered a place at Griffith in 2016.

Her father, Gold Coast City Councillor William Owen-Jones, couldn’t be more proud of his daughter’s choice to continue the family legacy.

“It is exciting and I think it is great that there is a third generation going to Griffith University,” he said.

“I’ve seen the Gold Coast campus move from just two TAFE buildings to what it is today and the growth is amazing and a fantastic thing for our city.

“Particularly Griffith’s partnership with the Commonwealth Games, there is nothing better than being able to sell education and our city to the rest of the world and the opportunities that exist with internships and scholarships will be great.”

Cr Owen-Jones, along with his siblings, all studied a Bachelor of Commerce. Megan has been offered a place in the Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business program at Gold Coast campus.

“It is nice to know that my family have all gone through it, so it’s something that is close to home,” Megan said.

Megan’s grandmother Margaret decided to study for the first time in 1989 enrolling in Australian Comparative Studies. She now uses her new found knowledge to help people learn English as a second language.

“I came from the era where it was still possible to stay at home with my children and there was no pressure to go back to work and I loved doing that but by the time my youngest was at school I found myself looking for something more,” she said.

“I really enjoyed my time at Griffith and I think Megan will too.”