Students accepting offers to study at Griffith University will also have the chance to apply for one of seven prestigious Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Scholarships.

Griffith has made approximately 10,000 offers to study an undergraduate degree in 2016.

Through these scholarships students will play an integral part in the build-up to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity that is only offered at Griffith University.

Griffith ranks among the top three per cent of universities world-wide, its lecturers have won the Australian University Teacher of the Year award twice in the past two years and can offer a range of opportunities for students, including 250 internship placements, as an official partner of GC2018.

The scholarships, worth approximately $70,000 each, are open to students from the 71 Commonwealth nations and territories who wish to undertake study or research at Griffith in a sport or event-related area as an undergraduate, post-graduate or higher degree by research student.

There are two categories, which students can apply for:

Griffith University Vice Chancellor and President Professor Ian O’Connor said the University was proud to offer these unprecedented scholarship opportunities to students.

“The Commonwealth Games represents a transformative moment in time for the Gold Coast and, in a similar vein, I know these prestigious scholarships have the potential to transform the lives and ambitions of the recipients,” he said.

Each scholarship will include full tuition fee waiver, accommodation and a contribution towards education expenses. The value of each scholarship will vary depending on the degree of study but on average could be worth more than $70,000 each.

The partnership between Griffith University and GOLDOC was announced on October 6 last year.

Applications need to be submitted by 31 January 2016.

Find out how you can apply.