Last week, Indonesian representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture met with Griffith University leaders, researchers and RHD students to discuss the possibilities of strengthening cooperation between Indonesia and Australia in the fields of environmental science and food security.

Professor Russell Trood (Director, Griffith Asia Institute) extended a warm welcome to the delegation and introduced Griffith University and its research strengths and capabilities. He hopesthat the Indonesian Government and Griffith University canfind opportunities for research collaborations in the near future.

The delegation, led by Prof. Dr. Muladno Basar (Director General, Animal Husbandry and Health, Ministry of Agriculture) discussed issues surrounding Indonesia’s agricultural industry such as environmental changes and food security. The Indonesian Government acknowledged the expertise of Griffith University in the research fields of environmental science, including environmental health, water, soil, and environmental management and protection sciences. They hope that Griffith University can work closely with the Indonesian Government in joint research collaborations and training programs inleadership, risk management and communications.

Prior to the meeting, delegates received a private tour of Griffith University’s $40 million, 6 star green star rated, Sir Samuel Griffith Centre. Opened in 2014, the centre is Australia’s first teaching and research facility relying entirely on photovoltaic arrays and hydrogen-metal hydride storage technologies to keep it off the power grid. As an example of genuine sustainable energy alternatives, the Centre showcases Griffith’s commitment to finding practical solutions to environmental issues.