The seventh annual Thanksgiving Service will take place this Thursday (October 15), as Griffith University will honour the 43 people who have bequeathed their bodies to the Body Donation Program over the past 12 months.
This provides a total of 260 people named in the Book of Remembrance, who have bequeathed their bodies to Griffith for anatomy teaching and research, since the first in 2006.
The sound of Griffith student Miss Yasu Hamilton playing Highland Cathedral on the bagpipes will be one of the highlights at the Thanksgiving service in recognition of body donors.
Yasu says the occasion is not lost on her. “It is a fantastic privilege to be able to play the pipesat such an important occasion,” she says.
Griffith students have already reaped vital education benefits from the body donation program.
Honours research student from the School of Allied Health, Amy Harding has the honour of carrying the Book of Remembrance at the ceremony.
“It is a real privilege to be given this opportunity to pay my respects to the individuals who have so generously donated this greatest gift towards the furthering of medical education. The Book of Remembrance contains the names of those who have enhanced our learning through the years, providing future doctors with invaluable experience to assist us in the provision of improved medical care to the community.”
The service will start with a procession of students, academics and invited guests, led by Amy who will be carrying the Book of Remembrance. As part of the service, a minute’s silence will follow the reading of the donors’ names.
Popular music group ‘The Blenders’ will be providing the music during the formal proceedings.
Supporting education
Chair of Anatomy at Griffith, Professor Mark Forwood says the program supports theeducation of health students in disciplines such as medicine, medical science, pharmacy,physiotherapy, exercise science, dentistry and oral health.
“Body donations from the local community are vitally important so our health students can receivepractical training in human anatomy,” he says. “The generosity of body donors, our new state-of the-art anatomy facilities, and committed teachers ensure our students receive the very best preparation for their chosen careers.”
The Griffith Health Centre features some of the country’s most advanced anatomy facilities and includes an increased student capacity with three wet labs to cater for up to 300 students at one time; a ten table surgical skills laboratory and a 50 seat Anatomy and Pathology learning centre.
Over 1400 Griffith University first year students use the facility every year.
“We are very appreciative of the decisions made by these donors and the support shown by theirfamilies. This Thanksgiving Service is a public demonstration of that appreciation,” ProfessorForwood says.
For more information about Griffith’s Body Donation program, please phone 07 5552 7700 or email [email protected]