Bachelor of Exercise Science student, Taylor Joyce, is looking forward to a career in podiatry, but it was a US university exchange program that really expanded her horizons.

Based at Griffith’s Gold Coast campus, Taylor is set to graduate next week following a four year study program which included a year at Ithaca College in New York State.
Taylor says that studying in the US for a year was an amazing experience, not only intellectually and socially, but also because it brought increased sporting opportunities.
“I managed to get credit for six exercise science subjects, studying cutting-edge stuff like neuromuscular control, neurophysiology and human sexuality, but I also got to join a women’s rugby team, something I never thought that I would do.
“It was pretty scary when I first joined the team, but I managed to throw myself into it, quite literally when I had to get straight into tackling with the other girls!
“I hadn’t had much experience of the sport but I found it was something I really enjoyed and eventually I made it onto the top A side at the College where the team travelled to Ohio and made the top 8 for our division in the US.”
Taylor also enjoyed the opportunities to meet new people. “I found the American culture to be so different from what we have here in Australia…mainly because they seem a lot more proactive in terms of self—promoting themselves. It was certainly an eye opener and I had to learn to be a bit more positive about myself.”
Now that Taylor has reached graduation, she is studying some extra programs at Griffith in microbiology and pharmacology in order to eventually apply for a Masters in podiatry.
“I am a pretty ‘hands-on’, practical kind of person at heart so I am really excited about a career in podiatry where I can work with patients one on one and physically improve their quality of life on the spot.”
In the meantime, Taylor is also working as a dental assistant in Southport and playing basketball for the Griffith University Women’s team.

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“We won gold at the Northern University Games and now we’re training for the Australian University Games in September, so I am keeping busy!
“I’m really pleased I chose Griffith as it has provided me with so many great opportunities.”
Find out how you can get a more amazing career at Griffith’s Gold Coast Open Day