“Careers will happen to us whether we like it not. …Moving forward, they will happen negatively if we do not put some thought into it….”, concludes Dr Edwin Trevor-Roberts, CEO of national career management firm, Trevor-Roberts (and Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing Advisory Board member) – takeaways from his assessment of the recently released Australia’s Future Workforce? (June 2015) report from the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA).

And Griffith Business School Higher Degree Research (HDR) students will do just that as guest speaker,Edwin, leadsdiscussions tomorrow (Wednesday, 15 July) on preparing for the transition from business PhD to employment in academia, government and industry.

Edwin will address the importance for candidates of developing a value-based and motive-aligned career strategy,a profile that supports career objectives, and the inevitable need to manage career uncertainty post-PhD, as CEDAcalls for Federal Government-led reforms to the nation’s education, innovation and technology policies which provide clear and adequately funded responses to the ever-increasing pace of technological change and its impact on the labour force.

View Edwin’s full interview on the Australia’s Future Workforce? report (with Trevor-Roberts’ Christine Cox) viaYouTubehere.