Griffith University is pleased to announce the appointment of Angela Goddard, Curator, Australian Art at Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) as the new Director at Griffith Artworks.

Starting from next month, the renowned curator will assume responsibility for Griffith University Art Gallery (GUAG), the flagship public gallery of the University, and also the esteemed Art Collection comprising more than 4,500 pieces from some of Australia’s greatest practitioners, worth an estimated $6 million.

According to Ms Goddard, Griffith Artworks has always had a great reputation for its Collection and exhibition program andholds an important place in this region’s arts community.

“I am thrilled to join the excellent staff at Griffith Artworks and the University more broadly, and am looking forward to bringing my skills to develop a dynamic and ambitious new phase for the institution,” she says.

“I am interested in exploring new ways to work with the Collection and contemporary artists to contribute to scholarship and broaden the scope of the institution’s exhibitions, programs and publishing.”

The appointment also serves as a reinforcement of the University’s commitment to maintaining and expanding its role within the arts community, according to Vice Chancellor Professor Ian O’Connor.

“As one of Australia’s largest and most innovative tertiary institutions we are proud to be home to prestigious, venerable state cultural institutions as the Griffith University Art Gallery,” Professor O’Connor says.

“With countless public exhibitions delivered each year alongside the inspirational research and contemporary artistic practice of our leading academics, experts and students, the University is witnessing exciting creative prospects.”

QAGOMA Acting Director, Maud Pageagrees, saying this is “a tremendous career move for Angela, who will put her many years of experience at the Gallery to great use at the head of both the Griffith University Art Gallery and the University’s Collection.”

While at QAGOMA, Angela’s curating achievements included the ‘Art, Love and Life: Ethel Carrick and E Phillips Fox’ (2011) and the acclaimed ‘Ian Fairweather: Late Works 1953—74’ (2012), as well as contributions to major exhibitions including the Contemporary Australia and APT series.

Most recently, she worked on the ‘Sam Fullbrook: Delicate Beauty’ (2014) exhibition, and has played an integral role in bringing together ‘Robert MacPherson: The Painter’s Reach’, opening at the Gallery of Modern Art mid-2015.

Ms Goddard takes the helm from Ms Naomi Evans who has acted in the position for more than two years and brought to the Gallery a range of high profile exhibitions including Ben Quilty: After Afghanistan; Michael Zavros: The Prince and Mythopoetic: Women artists from Australia and India to name a few. Formerly, the Director’s role was held by Simon Wright, now QAGOMA Assistant Director, Learning and Public Engagement.

Th nextshow at GUAG is Elemental Phenomena, an exhibition exploring naturally occurring events, constructed experiments and transitions of states of matter, including water, air, light and magnetic fields. Artists include Ella Barclay (NSW), Robin Fox (VIC), Michaela Gleave (NSW) and Jason Hendrick Hansma (The Netherlands). The exhibition runs from 8 May to18 July.

Media Contact:Lauren Marino, 0418 799 544, [email protected]