Griffith signs MoU with First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University

Griffith Asia Institute
Prof. Quancheng Kan, Vice Chancellor and Dean, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (FAHZU) countersigns MOU (signed by Prof Ian O’Connor, Vice Chancellor & President) during a visit by Prof Alfred Lam, School of Medicine, Griffith University on 26 December 2014. Prof Alfred Lam has been collaborating with FAHZU for over five years on research […]

Science summit to be an education for Gemma

Gemma Sardoni, smiling, in red jacket, will gather and share insights at the National Science Teachers Summer School
Arts Education Law
Griffith University science education student Gemma Sardoni will represent Queensland’s pre-service teachers at next week’s National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) in Canberra. Science teachers from throughout Australia will assemble in the nation’s capital from January 11-17 and will hear from leading scientific researchers, including Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt from the Australian National University. […]