Artificial Intelligence (AI) may seem like science fiction but artificial intelligence systems are incorporated into a wide array of things ordinary people use on a daily basis. Search engines, computer games, social media, satellite maps – all of them have complex AI systems that help bridge the gap between individuals and information.
In early December of 2014 delegates from across the Asia-Pacific region met on the Gold Coast for The 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI14). The conferenceincluded presentations on AI systems used for intelligent health services, modelling and simulations, social robotics, collision avoidance for self-driving cars and more.The 17th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA-2014) was collocated with the PRICAI14 conference.
PRICAI was initiated in Japan in 1990, to create an artificial intelligence conference which would promote collaborative exploitation of AI in the Pacific Rim nations. The conference has grown, both in participation and scope, and now includes participation from all major Pacific Rim nations.
Photos from the 2014 conference can be foundabove
- The 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Maryam Purvis, University of Otago
- PRICAI Griffith volunteers Alexandrea Posoldova, Zahra ShahabiKargar, Alieza Jolfaei, Iman Degzagi, and Benjamin Cowley
- The 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Delegates at morning tea
- Presenter Nicholas Mattei from NICTA and UNSW
- Frank Dignum, Utrecht University, The Netherlands