Managing Director of Tourism Australia, John O’Sullivan, has been named the 2014 Griffith Business School Outstanding Alumnus.
The 2014 Young OutstandingAlumnusis David Morgan, CEO of City Venue Management.
The awards were announced at the Griffith Business SchoolAlumniGala Dinner and Awards Night on 31 October, at theBallroom Le Grand,Sofitel Brisbane Central.
Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Professor Michael Powell said the Outstanding Alumnus and Young Alumnus of the Year awards provided an opportunity to, not only to honor this year’s recipients, but also to celebrate more broadly the remarkable achievements of GBS graduates.
“These annual awards are a celebration of the diverse achievements of our alumni in their professional life, as well as the significant contribution they make to the community both here in Australia and abroad,” Professor Powell said.
John O’Sullivan graduated from Griffith in 1993 with a Bachelor of Leisure Management, majoring in Marketing and Event Management, and he has remained an active member of the Griffith alumnus community ever since.
As Managing Director of Tourism Australia, John is a driving force behind implementing Tourism 2020; a plan to grow international demand for Australia’s tourism experiences to between $115 and $140 billion annually by the end of the decade.
John was in Shanghai to launch the latest Tourism Australia campaign and therefore was unable to attend the presentation ceremony. He did, however, send a video expressing his gratitude to Griffith, not only for the award but also for launching his career.
“I am so very proud of my time at Griffith, I am so very proud to be called a Griffith Alumnus and to accept this Outstanding Alumnus award for 2014,” John said.
“Griffith University has been, without question, one of the most profound influences on my career.”

The 2014 Young Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Award recipient is David Morgan, CEO City Venue Management.
2014 Young Outstanding Alumnus of the Year
The 2014 Young Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Award recipient is David Morgan, CEO City Venue Management and Chair of the Griffith Business School Alumni Advisory Group.
David completed a Griffith MBA in 2007 and he is now CEO of City Venue Management, Queensland’s fastest growing leisure facility management company. The sport and leisure management group operates 16 facilities including multi-million dollar sport and aquatic centres, health clubs, and private learn-to-swim centres and employs more than 500 staff members.
David is both proud and humbled by the award.
“I have known a number of the previous winners and their achievements are remarkable, so to be included among them is very humbling,” David said.
“Education has the ability to change people’s lives, and that doesn’t end at graduation. Continuing to be an active of the GBS alumni community has been a valuable experience for me for two main reasons.
“Firstly, it has provided me with the opportunity to give back to the institution which has given me so much.
“Also, from a purely pragmatic point of view, by staying in touch with my MBA cohort I have access to friends who can provide me with valuable industry insights from their respective fields.”