Griffith University’s usually “red hot” Smith Street bridge will be “in the pink” throughout October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The iconic bridge links the main Gold Coast campus with Griffith International and, thanks to the placement of special pink gels, is providing a spectacular nightly display.

It’s all part of the Global Illumination international campaign launched by Estee Lauder Companies to put the spotlight on breast cancer awareness by bathingbuildings, monuments and landmarks around the world in a blaze of pink light.Smith Street bridge lit pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Niagara Falls, the Torre di Pisa in Italy and the Sydney Opera House are just three of the many landmarks to undergo a pink transformation.

Griffith Business School academic Dr Robyn Cameron initiated the University’s involvement in the campaign, beginning in 2008, and she has maintained the Griffith connection ever since.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Australia. More than 15,000 women are predicted to be diagnosed in 2014 alone.

Breast cancer research is a major component of the work conducted by scientists within Griffith Health.

Various fundraising activities will be held at Griffith University during October.