Mind-numbing to some, mind-blowing to others, quantum theory is needed to explain how the universe works at the scale of atoms and smaller.
Delivered at these scales, however, new technologies such as teleportation and ultrafast computing have a major hurdle to overcome: the infamous “quantum leap”.
In fact, scientists say that just looking at a quantum device can cause its properties to randomly change, making control of the device an extremely delicate and subtle task.
Such challenging issues will be among those occupying the minds of leading figures in the field of quantum science when they gather in Brisbane from today (September 29) for the 3rd Biennial China-Australia Quantum Control Workshop.
Sponsored by Griffith University and running until Friday (October 3), this year’s event willfocus on fostering links between researchers and sharing developments in the field in the two signature countries. Furthermore, the 2014 workshop has expanded its range by featuring researchers from Singapore and Taiwan.
Chair of the organising committee and Director of Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Professor Howard Wiseman, says the workshop has attracted a range of eminent keynote speakers and will include tours of Griffith quantum science laboratories.
Speakers include:
Professor Jian-Qiang You, of the Beijing Computational Science Research Center;
Associate Professor Mankei Tsang, of the National University of Singapore;
Professor Tzyh-Jong Tarn, of Washington University and the Tsinghua National Laboratory of Information Science and Technology;
Associate Professor Warwick Bowen, of the University of Queensland;
Associate Professor Michael Biercuk, of the University of Sydney.
Speakers from Griffith University include Professor Geoff Pryde, recipient of a 2014 Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award for his research into the properties of the quantum world and how they may be harnessed to revolutionise technology in information processing, communications and precision measurement.
For more information, go toQuantum Control Workshop.