The Griffith Asia Institute within the Griffith Business School is encouraging undergraduate students to become active participants in global exchange initiatives.

The Asia Future Fellows Program is bringing together 10 Griffith and 10 Peking University students for two intensive one-week programs during 2014. The first was held in Brisbane in July and the second will take place in Beijing in November.

Incorporating activities such as cultural business seminars, workshops and government and industry briefings, the Chinese students made the most of their time in Australia, visiting Lone Pine Sanctuary and enjoying a day tour of the Gold Coast before the official program began.

The Acting Director of the Griffith Asia Institute, Professor Leong Liew, said the formal program included academic introductions on campus to set a framework for industry liaisons and cultural exchanges.

As well as meetings with various authorities invested in Australia-China relations, such as the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the students engaged with the Brisbane City Council to discuss the importance of sister city relationships. They also visited Parliament House and were briefed by representatives from Brisbane Marketing.

“The entire student contingent from Griffith and Peking Universities represents a future leadership cohort which boasts major interests in Australia-China relations,” said Professor Liew.

“It’s great to provide a context whereby personal and professional relationships can be fostered.

“Undoubtedly students will benefit from the exchange that is part of the Asian Century Futures Initiative.”

The timing of the Australian leg of the Asia Future Fellows Program was perfect as Brisbane continues to ramp up preparations towards the G20 World Leaders Summit.