Excluding Russia from the G20 Summit in November is neither feasible nor desirable, a Griffith Business School researcher says.

Professor Fabrizio Carmignani believes bringing leaders together at the Brisbane summit could be an important opportunity for diplomatic negotiations in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis which deepened with the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

“The G20 is an open channel of communication between Russia and the rest of the world,” Professor Carmignani said.

“At this stage, it seems very unlikely, if not impossible, that all 19 other members of the G20 could agree on excluding Russia from the summit. The decision to exclude Russiawould not be unanimous and this would in turn lead to the collapse of the forum, with adverse effects on the global economy.”

  • Read Professor Carmignani’s column on ‘Who in the G20 is (not) afraid of the big bad Russian wolf?’ on The Conversation