Vice Chancellor, Professor Ian O’Connor and
Professor Ning Bin, President,Beijing Jiaotong University
Members of the visiting delegation with
Griffith University representatives.

A delegation from Beijing Jiaotong University visited Griffith in May to sign a Memorandum ofUnderstanding between the newGriffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT)and the World Cities TourismResearch Centre based at Beijing Jiaotong University.Vice Chancellor, Professor Ian O’Connor andProfessor Ning signed the agreement and discussed collaborations in tourism, environment, energy,research, student and faculty exchange.

The Griffith Institute for Tourism believes the new agreement will help expand their existing China tourism research program, and provide new opportunities to explore jointresearchand the growingChinatourismmarket.

“Tourism within the Asia-Pacific isbecoming an increasingly important part of the region’s economy” said Professor Noel Scott from theGriffith Institute for Tourism.“Collaborating withregional partners is invaluable for helping us gain an inside perspective of emerging tourism trends.”

The delegation included: Professor Ning Bin, President,Beijing Jiaotong University, Professor Jiang Jiuchun, Dean, School of Electrical Engineering,Professor Zhao Peng, School of Transportation, Professor Zhang Zhenji, Deputy Dean, School ofEconomics and Management and Mr Lyu Chao, Officer, International Cooperation & Exchange.

Joining Professor O’Connor from Griffith was Professor Michael Powell, Pro Vice Chancellor(Business), Professor Sarah Todd, Pro Vice Chancellor (International), Professor David Lambert,Dean, Research, Griffith Sciences, Associate Professor Peter Woods, Director (International), Officeof the Pro Vice Chancellor (Business), Professor Noel Scott, Griffith Institute for Tourism, Dr PeiyiDing, Deputy Director, Tourism Confucius Institute andMs Gayle Murray, Manager, International Relations.