How we can best prepare for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) inQueensland.

This is the focus of a Griffith University-led two day NDIS symposium where people withdisabilities, their families and carers, service providers, government personnel,academics and disability researchers will come together to share knowledge andexperiences around the core elements of the NDIS.

From July 26 2016, the scheme will be progressively rolled out in Queensland withcompletion due by July 2019.

The event, on Tuesday 10 June and Wednesday 11 June at Griffith’s Logan campus,follows the success of the university’s first Symposium in February and will look at wherewe are now and where we want to be for the implementation of the NDIS in Queensland.

Quality support and safeguards

“This time around we really want to focus on ensuring that people get the quality supportand safeguards they need, as well as looking at how we can evaluate the value of thescheme,” says organiser and Head of Logan campus Professor Lesley Chenoweth.

The first day of the Symposium will look at what is already working regarding NDIS trialsites that have been rolled out across other areas of Australia such as in the HunterRegion.

“We will be hearing from researchers here at Griffith and the University of Newcastle whowill share what they have learnt about the NDIS so far and which may even help us avoidsome of the pitfalls they have already encountered.

“Queensland has delayed implementation of the NDIS but we are now unashamedlyopen to learning from the experiences of other states so we are really prepared here inQueensland. This Symposium will be a great opportunity to see what has and hasn’tworked for others so far,” said Professor Chenoweth.

The second day of the Symposium will include a workshop looking at the practicalities ofevaluation by SAMS (Standards and Monitoring Services) in New Zealand. MarkBenjamin from SAMS will conduct a practical workshop for those interested in peerevaluation of support arrangements for safeguarding and monitoring quality of life forpeople with disabilities.

Drawing on more 30 years experience in developmental evaluation, Mark believes thepractical application of concepts like equity, respect, inclusion and partnership transformindividuals, families and communities. Mark is committed to the exciting and challengingtask of translating these principles into day-to-day practice as well as being a catalyst andsupporter of innovation.
What: The Griffith University NDIS symposium
When: Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 June
Where: Griffith University Logan Campus, Meadowbrook.
Time: Both days run from 9am to 5pm.
Media are invited to attend with interviews available on request.