Griffith University has moved to provide fee certainty for students enrolling in Semester 2 2014, following the Federal Government’s 2014 Budget announcement. The Budget proposed increases to student contributions for anyone accepting an offer to commence a university course of study from 14 May 2014, only weeks prior to mid-year admissions.
The Vice Chancellor’s initiative means that students accepting an offer and enrolling at Griffith for second semester 2014 will not be subject to new tuition fees that universities will be allowed to introduce from 2016. Instead, these students will have the benefit of the existing capped student contributions that will remain in place until December 2020 or until they graduate.
Griffith’s Vice Chancellor Professor O’Connor said, “students who enrol at Griffith for semester two will have the same fee structure as their classmates who commenced in semester one this year. We don’t want students who choose to begin studying in July this year to be hit by an unexpected fee increase when the proposed new system begins in 2016”.
Deferred semester 2, 2014 offers: students who plan to defer their semester 2 2014 offer and commence their studies in 2015 will not be protected. These students will be subject to the new tuition fees as they have not commenced study in 2014.
Offers deferred prior to 13 May 2014: students who deferred an offer prior to the Budget announcement on 13 May 2014 will be protected under the current capped student contribution scheme.
Approved Leave of Absence prior to or during 2014: students who have accepted their Semester 2 offer and remain enrolled after the Census date, but then take an approved leave of absence, will continue under the existing capped student contribution scheme until they graduate or until 31 December 2020 (whichever comes first). This is because they accepted their offer and commenced study prior to 2015.
Part-time students: the new arrangements do not affect part-time students who enrolled at Griffith during or prior to 2014.
Students transferring to another degree: Students who accept offers for semester two 2014 and then decide to transfer to another degree program at Griffith will be protected under the existing capped student contribution arrangements, providing they commence study during 2014.
Lapsed offer: students who receive an offer for semester 2, 2014 but do not enrol by the Census date will have their offer lapsed. These students will need to re-apply for admission. Offers for semester 1 2015 will be subject to the new fee arrangements.
Further information on the implications of the proposed changes to higher education funding on students can be found at
All your application and enrolment information at our Future Students website