Griffith University has kicked off a week of events to celebrate its commitment to going ‘green’.
The week highlights the University’s ongoing efforts to integrate sustainability into its community.
Sustainability Project Officer, Ms Kay Ollett believes Sustainability Week is a wonderful celebration of the University culture.
“This week aims to celebrate Griffith’s commitment to sustainability across all campuses and is a great way for students and staff to engage and get involved.”
Major events will include Green Market Day, staff sustainable morning tea, cheap coffee refills and tours of the EcoCentre and Rare & Threatened plants.
Whatyoucando to get involved:
- Reducereuserecycle
- Reduceyourpaperandplasticusage
- Beenergyandwaterefficient
- Userefillablewaterbottles
- Takeyourreusablecupsforcoffeerefillsoncampus
- Useintercampusbuses
- Usepublictransportwherepossible
- StudysustainabilityatGriffith
- SignuptoGriffith’sSustainabilityCommitmentâ€committomakingsmallchangeseverydayandhelpustoreduceourimpacton theenvironment.
For a full list of activities, please visit: