Griffith University has been deeply saddened by the news that MsSophie Collombet, one of our international postgraduate students, diedin tragic circumstances last Friday.
The French international student was studying a Master ofInternational Business at Griffith. Sophie was a bright student withexcellent GPA. She was also highly motivated and had just started aWork Integrated Learning program through Education Queensland.
Griffith Business School Pro Vice Chancellor Professor Michael Powelland Griffith International Pro Vice Chancellor Professor Sarah Toddmet with Ms Collombet’s classmates this morning.
Students have been offered counselling and Griffith is working closelywith French authorities to help support the family.
“This is a tragic event and our deepest sympathies go to Sophie’sfamily and friends,” Professor Powell said.
As a mark of respect and mourning for Ms Collombet, all flags at eachflag station on each of the University’s campuses were flown athalf-mast today.