When you’ve been at the forefront of health services management for the Australian and British militaries for over twenty years and are offered the chance to get to qualified, most would expect to do little more than tick the boxes and pick up the certificate.

Major David Bullock of the Australian Defence Force took the opposite approach. Figuring there was no point in turning down the chance to learn, Major Bullock signed up to Griffith’s Master of Health Services Management (MHSM), from which he recently graduated.

“I was offered a Defence sponsored sabbatical to study MHSM and as Griffith University has been the provider of previous award winning Defence students, it was a positive choice. The strong links with the Australasian College of Health Services Management were a second positive factor, said Major Bullock.

“I would contend that it is never too late to learn and there is always something left to learn.

“The subjects of health leadership and strategic decision making in health were enlightening. Importantly they underpinned myfervent belief in the importance of integrity,transparency and morality within health services management and health leadership.”

So did such a tough course change or challenge some of his ideas health and how health services can be managed?

“It confirmed many, but I learnt a great deal as well; storming, forming and norming many ideas, concepts and principles,” he said.

The major was keen to point out that MHSM is not an easy career leg-up.

“Health Services Management is not for the faint hearted and is most certainly not an easy employment option. It requires dedication and a strong passion for health, as well as a strong desire to improve systems.”