Dedicated students required to fill the following vacancies on the Learning and Teaching Committee, Educational Excellence Committee, Equity Committee and the Internationalisation Advisory Committee.

Students and the University both benefit greatly from student participation on our committees and we are hoping to fill these vacancies as soon as possible.

Applications close on Friday 14 February 2014.

Interested students should forward a brief expression of interest and current curriculum vitae to[email protected].


The Learning and Teaching Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Committee on strategic planning, policy, and quality assurance issues in relation to learning, teaching, the student learning experience, and delivery of curricula.

One undergraduate student and one coursework postgraduate student, each member shall be from a different group


Undergraduate Student

One year, up to 31 December 2014


Postgraduate Student

One year, up to 31 December 2014

Meeting Dates

Meets on Mondays at 10:00am -1:00pm, ^except for the first induction meeting which will be held from 8:30am – 1:30pm. All meetings are video-conferenced with the exception of the first meeting which is to be face-to-face.

24 February 2014^

– cancelled

28 April 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

23 June 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

18 August 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

27 October 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

24 November 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04


The Educational Excellence Committee is a sub-Committee of the Learning and Teaching Committee. Its work includes: monitoring the University’s national performance in learning and teaching grants, awards and fellowships; advising the Learning and Teaching Committee on strategies for recognising and rewarding excellence in learning and teaching; and overseeing the University’s processes for the Griffith Awards for Excellence in Teaching scheme.

One undergraduate student


One year, up to 31 December 2014

One postgraduate student


One year, up to 31 December 2014

Meeting Dates

Meets Mondays at 10:00am – 12:30pm and all meetings are video-conferenced unless otherwise indicated. * Will only proceed if business warrants.

3 February 2014*

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

17 March 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

14 April 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

19 May 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

21 July 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

1 September 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

7 October 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

(Tuesday meeting due to Monday public holiday)

17 November 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04 & N54_2.01 or N54_2.02


The role of the Equity Committee is to facilitate the achievement of the University’s strategic equity priorities through ensuring that diversity and inclusiveness are reflected in all programs, policies and practices of the University and its elements.

Four student members, appointed from expressions of interest sought from the Student Representative Council and reflecting representation of the diversity of student groups at undergraduate and postgraduate levels


Two years, up to and including 31 December 2015


Two years, up to and including 31 December 2015


Two years, up to and including 31 December 2015


Two years, up to and including 31 December 2015

Meeting Dates

Meets Monday 2:00pm – 4:00pm unless otherwise indicated. All meetings are video-conferenced. *Will only proceed if business warrants.

17 March 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

19 May 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

11 August 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04

20 October 2014

– N54_2.06/G34_1.04


The Internationalisation Advisory Committee provides advice to: Executive Group, Academic Committee and its sub-committees on matters concerning the policy and strategy relating to international and transnational matters; Griffith International on plans to achieve the aims and objectives for international activities set out by the University in policy and strategy; and the academic elements on international issues relevant to their teaching, learning and research activities.

One undergraduate student appointed by the Deputy Chair, Academic Committee


One year, up to 31 December 2014

One postgraduate student appointed by the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School


One year, up to 31 December 2014

Meeting Dates

Meets Thursdays 1:00pm – 3:00pm unless otherwise indicated. All meetings are video-conferenced. * Will only proceed if business warrants.

13 March 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

12 June 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

28 August 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

9 October 2014

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

13 November 2014*

– N54_2.06 / G34_1.04

Interested students should forward a brief expression of interest and current curriculum vitae to [email protected].

Applications close on Friday 14 February 2014.

Note: Students should consult their class timetables in conjunction with the scheduled Committee meeting times to ensure they will be available to attend each meeting.