The politics of tax and how it may be stifling positive tax reform in Australia and further afield will be explored at a leading national forum on tax research to be hosted by Griffith University.

Offshore tax evasion, tax literacy, superannuation funding and the effectiveness of vehicle taxation in reducing emissions will be among a wide range of tax-related topics to be discussed and debated during the three-day Australasian Tax Teachers Conference starting on Monday

“Leading academics will be presenting their current tax research, covering international issues, tax administration, the environment and tax policy,” conference organiser Associate Professor Brett Freudenberg, Griffith Business School, said

The 26th Australasian Tax Teachers Conference will be held from January 20-22 at Griffith University’s Qld Conservatorium of Music, South Bank, Brisbane.

“Historically, the tax system has played a key role in supporting and guiding prosperity, but currently there appears to be a consensus that the Australian tax system is struggling,” Dr Freudenberg said.

“This is, in part, because of the complexity that is inherent in the current system given that it has been used to implement many government initiatives.

“Also, given the low levels of tax revenue being generated, governments are increasingly faced with tough decisions about whether services they provide are cut, or whether the rate and/or structure of the tax system must change.

“This conference seeks to provide greater understanding about how tax can play a role in solving some of the issues that societies face today, and how it plays a fundamental role in providing the funding to support government services that many Australians take for granted.

“The conference brings together leading academics and industry experts to address important questions like how effective are tax concessions in funding superannuation savings, how does tax compliance cost influence non-compliance by businesses, what is the level of tax literacy in Australia and have vehicle taxes been effective in reducing road emissions.”

Keynote speakers include Terese Dyson (Chair of the Board of Taxation), leading tax barrister Mark Robertson QC, Professor Jason Sharman (Griffith University) and Justice John Logan (Federal Court of Australia).

There are also panel sessions involving Struan Little, Deputy Commissioner NZ Inland Revenue, The Hon Bernie Ripoll MP (Shadow Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation) and Michael D’Ascenzo, (former Australian Taxation Office Commissioner).

Further details contact Brett Freudenberg on 07 3382 1196 or [email protected]

Full information, including program of presentations and registration, can be found here.