Griffith University will offer more than 9,500 applicants the opportunity to study an undergraduate degree at one of its five campuses.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Professor Susan H Spence said she was pleased with the outcome of the January 2014 main admission round where Griffith experienced an increased demand from School Leavers, despite a decline across Queensland in overall applications for tertiary entry.

“We are delighted that there has been another year of solid demand for domestic undergraduate places across all campuses and disciplines, leading to higher cut-offs in Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Nursing (Gold Coast), Commerce and Education.” Professor Spence said.

“We look forward to welcoming a whole new intake of Griffith students ready to begin their academic journey.”

In 2014, Griffith’s Health Sciences programs have once again proven to be among those in highest demand. They include; Bachelor of Medical Science, Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science; Bachelor of Biomedical Science; Bachelor of Exercise Science (Pre-Physiotherapy); Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics, Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery.

“Griffith continues to build its reputation as a highly competitive university and the one of choice for many students opting for a career in the health science arena,” Professor Spence said.

There has been strong interest in a number of programs on the Gold Coast campus which are new in 2014; including the Bachelor of Industrial Design and Bachelor of Occupational Therapy.

“It was also encouraging to see increased demand for the exciting, reinvigorated Bachelor of Science program at the Nathan campus,” Professor Spence said.

South Bank programs, such as Bachelor of Fine Art, Bachelor of Games Design, Bachelor of Film & Screen Media Production, Bachelor of Animation, and of course the various programs at the Queensland ConservatoriumGriffith University, continue to enjoy high rates of demand.

For those applicants who miss out on first round offers, the message is clear; don’t despair.

There is still time to change preferences and Griffith expects to bein a position to make additional offers to well-qualified applicants across arange of programs in subsequent admission rounds continuing through February.

Exclusions, however,will be South Bank Campus programs which are in the main fully subscribed and a range of Health programs including Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics and Physiotherapy.