The Annual Hope4Health Jazz Dinner Dance has built on previous years of success to deliver a stunning night of entertainment and raise tens of thousands of dollars to support health programs in Papua New Guinea.

Hope4Health (H4H)hold the Jazz Dinner Dance to raise money for projects they can also support with their time and currently they are raising money to support a clinic and medical placements in remote western Papua New Guinea.

Held at the Marriot Ballroom on the Gold Coast, guests were presented with an array of high end donated items to bid on from paintings to overseas holidays. Pro Vice Chancellor, Allan Cripps also spoke of his time in Papua New Guinea as a young researcher and how important the experience was in forging his future professional goals.

“The last two dances were a big step up so we’re really pleased to have been able to raise over $20,000 for the PNG project,” said H4H president, Skyle Murphy.

“Whether it’s helping to pay for equipment or getting medical students over there and assisting with basic primary health needs, it proves that even as a student you can make a change.

“We send around 16 people over there to complete medical placements and these are just as valuable to us as the communities. In PNG a student will come across things they’d never see in a local hospital, it’s very hands on.”

As well as an action packed dance floor, the live auction saw some very spirited and competitive bidding with bruised egos helping to push prices up.

Hope4Health will send resources and students to remote clinics in Kiunga and Rumginae in the western province of PNG where there are high rates of infectious diseases, malnutrition, poor maternal health and traumatic injuries.