Thirty teams have registered for this weekend’s Relay for Life and organisers are encouraging more people to take part in the event.
Griffith University’s Student Guild and Cancer Council Queensland are hosting this year’s Relay for Life at Griffith’s Gold Coast campus on Saturday, October 19, and Sunday, October 20.
“So far we have 30 teams registered and have raised more than $11,000 towards our goal of $20,000,” Steve Harris, Griffith University Student Guild, said.
“This is the first time an event in Queensland has seen such large interest from students which is very important for Griffith as this is a way for us to give back to the community.
“We certainly hope we reach and even exceed our goal as each team is aiming to raise $1000.
“This year’s patron for our Relay event is the Vice Chancellor, Professor Ian O’Connor. We are really happy to have his support for such a great event.”
Relay for Life raises awareness about cancer and brings people together to celebrate cancer survivors and remember loved ones who lost their battle with the disease.
The event will be held at the Gold Coast campus from Saturday afternoon at 3pm to Sunday morning at 9am. It will run for 18 hours straight and involve teams made up of 10-15 people who take turns to keep a baton moving in a relay style walk or run overnight.
For the event, University Drive will close between the Health Drive roundabout and the Science Road roundabout from 9am on Saturday until 11am on Sunday.
In addition both car parks A and B will close and be emptied of vehicles after 5pm on Friday, October 18.
The entry fee will be $15 for youths and $20 for adults. The fee includes a polo shirt and breakfast for all the teams at the event.
“We have a number of activities and performances such as the Griffith’s Breakers, which is a group of dance artists, students from the Queensland ConservatoriumGriffith University are going to be performing, and there will be scavenger hunts as well as live karaoke,” Steve said.
Griffith hopes that students and staff members will make up a large proportion of the teams.
“Registration is open until the start of the event, but we hope teams register beforehand as it’s easier to organise and fundraise,” Steve said.
“I will be there at the event taking part and even at this stage I encourage students to sign up and get some of their friends involved.”
All funds raised by relay teams and through donations made will all be invested into Cancer Council Queensland’s vital cancer research.
WHAT: Relay for Life
WHERE: Griffith’s Gold Coast Campus
WHEN: 3pm-9am on Saturday, October 19 to Sunday, October 20
HOW: Register at: