Griffith University’s Student Linx program has been recognised by the Federal Government.

Student Linx and its manager, Mr Andrew Monaghan, wereamong six Griffith recipients of2013 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, awarded by theOffice for Learning and Teaching.

The OLT acknowledgedStudent Linxfordelivering“an integrated program of social and cultural experiences that build students’ linguistic and social capacity and thereby enhance international students’ English language proficiency”.

Student Linx operates a range of activities and events connecting international and domestic students. Last semester about 3000 students participated across all Griffith campuses.

“Our events and programs are designed to highlight the common ground that exists between students regardless of their social, cultural or linguistic background,” Mr Monaghan said.

“They offer an opportunity for all students to feel more involved in university life, and to build a network of friends from all over the world.

“I was an international student myself, having studied in China in 2008, and while my academic endeavours were very important, it was my social connections and interactions with local people that really helped to reinforce what I was learning in the classroom andimprove my language proficiency.”

Student Linx events include an Amazing Race-style challenge that takes place in Brisbane’s CBD and requires communication and teamwork; a buddy program to ease the transition of international students into Griffith life; games afternoons; international trivia contests; volunteering and community partnerships; social sporting teams; and networking functions.

Griffith’s Director, International, Ms Nicole Brigg, said the University had students from more than 130 countries and Student Linx facilitated the kind of sustained interaction through which theycouldimprove their language skills and engage more readily with the University, other students and local communities.

Student Linx is calling on students to join its team in 2014. For more information, go to

Other recipients of OLT 2013 Citations were:

Dr Sarah Baker (Humanities), for innovative collaborative approaches to independent knowledge production to inspire student engagement and attainment in undergraduate Sociology courses.

Associate Professor Elizabeth Conlon (Applied Psychology), for sustained excellence and innovative approaches in teaching research methods and statistics, and supervising research to prepare psychology students to become researchers, academics and clinicians.

Professor Darryl Hawker (Environment), for sustained and inspirational teaching that engages Generation ‘WhY’ students with the complexities of Environmental Chemistry using a range of innovative activities and learning strategies.

Dr Helen Massa (Medical Science), for leadership and successful outcomes in supporting student learning of human anatomy through sustained excellence in teaching practice, curriculum design and resource development.

Dr Mary Sidebotham (Nursing and Midwifery), for inspirational leadership in the development, delivery and evaluation of midwifery education that strengthens the Australian workforce and promotes international best practice.