Thinking of buying a beach house, or a business at the coast?

A new app developed by Griffith University researchers may help take the guess work out of knowing which locations will be least at risk from climate change.

Researchers from Griffith’s Australian Rivers Institute, Dr Wade Hadwen and Dr Samantha Capon have created a mobile phone app which provides critical information for anticipating how climate change may impact on coastal Australia.

Dr Hadwen said the Coastal Ecosystems Response to Climate Change Synthesis Report (CERCCS) app will help the public navigate through heavy science and make decisions about the growing climate change threat.

“Climate change represents a significant and growing challenge to coastal Australia, not just directly through changes in temperature, rainfall and sea level rise, but also through the impacts on coastal species and ecosystems,” Dr Hadwen said.

“Without access to quality information it is impossible for individuals, businesses, community groups and governments to make complex decisions regarding climate change responses and adaptation solutions.”

The information on the app was drawn from a complex 350 page report of a National Climate Change Adaptation Facility (NCCARF) research project into climate change impacts and adaptation on Australia’s coasts.

The CERCCS app delivers information on three key areas;

Climate change projections — regional terrestrial (rainfall, temperature, solar radiation and soil moisture) and sea level/inundation information

Anticipated impacts on ecosystems and species in estuarine, freshwater, terrestrial and marine realms

Climate change adaptation options and how they address the threats, plus a step-by-step decision making process and information regarding climate change adaptation.

Dr Samantha Capon said it was important that the findings of such an important report be made accessible to the broader community.

“The CERCCS app represents an exciting new development in science communication,” Dr Capon said.

“Scientists want their findings to be used and this app could be the start of a new trend of bridging the science-decision making divide, by delivering science to the broader public,” she said.

The CERCCS app can be downloaded for free from the App Store and more information can be found at