A University of Southern Queensland & Queensland College of Art, Griffith University exhibition.
Co-curated by Dr Beata Batorowicz (USQ) & Sebastian Di Mauro (QCA).
Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, this enchanting two-part exhibition is all about creative curiosity in art and the ability to lure audiences ‘down the rabbit hole’.
Bringing together a unique and exciting cross-institutional collaboration between USQ and QCA, Down the Rabbit Hole showcases both 2D and 3D works by 22 emerging artists who are undertaking their third year, Honours or Postgraduate studies within the two universities.
The exhibition will explore metaphorical, symbolic and mythical facets within visual art stories, in particular, the way artists use storytelling to blur boundaries between fact and fiction on a local, national and international platform.
Yet according to the co-curators, Batorowicz and Di Mauro, falling down the rabbit hole is an art form in itself.
“Drawing on the scene of Alice chasing the white Rabbit, we were intrigued by the idea and magical act of falling. We’ve interpreted this as happening somewhere between the relentless chase and the unexpected fall — being a potent collision of inner and outer creative worlds.”
“It’s ultimately a chaos between the personal and the social, intuition and logic, sub-consciousness and consciousness, fact and fiction, sense and non-sense. And it’s at this enchanted moment that a complete immersion in the creative process takes over and all sense of time is lost.”
Featured Artists:
USQ: Glen Bowman (Third Year), Ellie Coleman (Third Year) Dan Elborne (Third Year) Chris Kelly (Honours), Linda Clark (Honours), Grace Dewar (Honours), Amber Kilkenny (Honours), AJ Gogas (Third Year), Kathy Appleby (Honours), Jason Castro (PhD) Tarn Maclean (PhD).
QCA: Olivia Bradley, Adis Fejzić, Dale Harding, Kay Lawrence, Carol McGregor, Julie-Anne Milinski, Michelle Roberts, Eric Rossi, Brian Sanstrom, Glen Skien and Lynden Stone.
Exhibition Venues & Dates:
This project is a two-part exhibition:
9-31 August 2013
Webb Gallery, Queensland College of Art*
Griffith University South Bank, Brisbane
QCA Opening Friday 9 August, 2013 @ 6pm
by Simon Wright, Assistant Director, Programming QAG GOMA
*Also held at QCA Project Gallery, South Bank and POP Gallery, Woolloongabba
3-26 September, 2013
USQ Arts Gallery and Red Door Gallery, A Block
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba
USQ Opening Tuesday 3 September 2013 @ 5pm
by Professor Mark Harvey, USQ DVC Research & Innovation.