The future of rowing on the Gold Coast looks rosy following Sunday’s (August 4) Griffith UniversityParadise Regatta.
The annual Griffith-sponsored event, held Sunday at its new location at Coomera Lake,saw the Griffith University Surfers Paradise Rowing Club (GUSPRC) Women’s MastersEights win the Vern Reid Cup for the seventh year running.
The Men’s Eights, meanwhile was won by a slim margin of about 30cm by the Universityof Queensland.
The event was held for the first time at the Coomera Lakes Regatta Course, moving fromits previous home of the Nerang River at Budds Beach, Surfers Paradise.
“This year was our best. We were blessed with perfect conditions and it was veryimpressive to see our Women’s Eights do so well.
“All up we had about 500 participants and spectators at the Regatta, with many moreschool students than ever before competing,” said the regatta’s organiser and presidentof GUSPRC Carolin Morahan.
“More than 200 participants registered for the regatta which is fantastic and givescredence to the value of the relocation of this event for the whole of the Gold Coast andmost importantly the participation of schools.
“The Mixed Relay was a really fun and unusual event this year which was won byCoomera Anglican in the schools category and Griffith in the club category.
“We also had some fantastic results in the Fastest Schoolboy and Fastest Schoolgirlraces, with Fraser Health from Somerset College and Ellen Pozzi from All Hallows inBrisbane taking out the trophies in those events,” said Ms Morahan.
Winners of major trophies:
ï‚· Vern Reid Cup (Women’s Masters Eights) Griffith University Surfers Paradise
Rowing Club ( GUSPRC)
ï‚· Houston Trophy (Men’s Open Quad) — The Southport School/ GUSPRC
ï‚· Inaugural GU Schools Trophy ( Aggregate score) won by Coomera Anglican
ï‚· Fastest Schoolboy – Fraser Heath (Somerset College)
ï‚· Fastest Schoolgirl – Ellen Pozzi ( All Hallows Brisbane)
ï‚· Womens Open Quad Cup – UQ
ï‚· GU Challenge Cup (Uni Women’s Eights) UQ
ï‚· GU Boat Race Trophy (Uni Men’s Eights) UQ by the closest of margins.
ï‚· Mixed School Relay – Coomera Anglican College
ï‚· Mixed Club Relay – GUSPRC
For more information on Griffith University, visit