Graduates and friends will be led down the garden path and all for a good reason at this Friday’s Griffith Business School Alumni Breakfast.

‘Workplace gardener’ Karen Schmidt will discuss the five layers of culture on which a typical organisation is structured in her early morning address in Brisbane.

The gardening theme will be extended to analysing the pH level of an organisation’s culture, understanding your zone and how that affects culture.

“It is possible to change the make-up of your culture, but it can be a tricky process,” Ms Schmidt says.

“Like a garden, an organisation can also contain a range of different soils or subcultures, all in the one space.

“The interesting thing is that no matter how bad the soil, something will grow in it. You need to make sure you are growing healthy productive plants rather than a bunch of weeds that will rob the soil of nutrients.”

Karen Schmidt is an award-winning workshop speaker with a passion for growing more engaging leaders.

She has known the workplace as a staff member, manager, recruiter, contractor and consultant during a mixed career in organisations of all shapes and sizes.

Today she works with current and future leaders across Australia, New Zealand and Asia in a diverse range of industries to help develop more engaging workplaces.

Her clients include corporate organisations, professional associations, governments, educational institutions and not-for-profit organisations.

At this Friday’s breakfast, organised by Griffith Business School Alumni Network, Karen will share her insights with around 120 guests from industries as diverse as mining, education, charities and finance.

Further details here.