Sports Psychology has grown so fast it has found it difficult to find a home on the Gold Coast campus, but it has finally found one at the Griffith Health Centre and is looking to establish a more prominent place in the school in the lead-up to the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Where once there was only listening to Eye of the Tiger before the game and some cold ones after, there is now a battery of testing, preparation, realignment and more testing.

The new Sports and Exercise Psychology Laboratory will involve research facilities and additional testing rooms, a specifically designed exercise/sport performance room.


The first large scale project to be conducted in the new laboratory will be the KEEPfit project run by Associate Professor David Neumann and Dr Lauren Rose.

“We’re looking forward to the physical location, being in the same building as our related disciplines such as exercise science and medicine to enhance the potential multidisciplinary scope of the research,” Associate Professor Neumann said.

“KEEPfit is the third phase of an Australian Research Council grant. We’re looking for healthy volunteers between 30-59 years of age who have not engaged in an exercise program in the last year to take part in the community study

“Participants will have to attend an initial 2 hour session in the new Sport and Exercise Psychology Lab, complete a training diary and attend a re-assessment of blood pressure and aerobic capacity at the end of the 12 weeks, with follow up questionnaires at 6 months and 9 months.”

Like all other psychology labs, the sports psychology lab is located adjacent to the Higher Degree Research (HDR) student offices to enhance the access and research training of HDR students and is located on level 2

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