The Griffith Law School launched the Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity on Easter Saturday. The first issue features contributions from leading and emerging authors, Geoffrey Robertson QC, Julian Burnside AO QC, Brenna Harding, Jeremy Kane, Dr Anne Summers AO and the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG.

“The calibre of author couldn’t be higher,” Editor-in-Chief Kelli Lemass said. “We’re absolutely delighted.”

The Journal is the product of 13 Griffith Law School students who developed the ambitious student-run publication over the past 12 months ago. It was the brainchild of Dr Allan Ardill from the Griffith Law School, “a driving force and passionate advocate” in bringing the plan to fruition.

“From the outset our mission was to advance personal freedom and human dignity through fearless scholarship,” fourth-year Law/Arts student Kelli said. “We were looking for new and novel legal narratives to give voices to the marginalised, the disenfranchised and the silenced.

“This is a particular focus in Issue 1 with, for example, the examination of the political refugee debacle and the same-sex parenting debate.”

Australian feminist Anne Summers illustrates the sexist nature of the attacks on Australia’s first female Prime Minister.

Brenna Harding, a 16-year-old author and daughter of two lesbian mums, offers a new perspective on the current same-sex marriage and parenting debates

International author and human rights QC Geoffrey Robertson focuses the spotlight on judicial corruption.

Former High Court Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG explores practical developments in the legal concept of privacy in light of recent flagrant intrusions into individual privacy by print and electronic media.

The plight of the refugee in the face of Australia’s immigration policy is examined by Julian Burnside QC, an Australian human rights advocate.

Law graduate Jeremy Kane scrutinises the discrimination of transgender prisoners through the lens of a recent Queensland court case.

The journal also incorporates a space for critical legal scholarship.

The students spent hundreds of hours soliciting articles from eminent authors, editing manuscripts, co-ordinating the peer-review process and undertaking final edits for the inaugural edition.

“I’d like to pay tribute to all founding and current members of the editorial board for their enthusiasm, dedication, commitment and tirelessness in creating what will be an outstanding publication,” Kelli Lemass said.

Dr Ardill said the student editors were some of the most talented Griffith Law School students he had worked with. “They are so motivated, productive, and creative.The quality of the Journalis due to the teamwork and communication skills of each editor.

“Griffith University should be proud to add the Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity to the list of successful journals like the Griffith Law Review and the Griffith Review.”

It is planned to publish two issues of the Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity each year.

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