Latest research from the Griffith Health Institute has shown promising results forthose suffering from non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Lymphoma is a common blood cancer, which develops in the lymphatic systemaffecting the white blood cells. Over the last 20 years, the number of cases inAustralia have doubled.
In a recent study led by Professor Lyn Griffiths, the research team has identifieda new tumour suppressor gene which affects susceptibility to two main types ofnon-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL).
“As part of a whole genome approach to identify the genes involved in NHL, wehave identified a gene that plays a significant role in developing the two main types of NHL – Follicular Lymphoma and Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma,” saysProfessor Griffiths.
“38% of the NHL cases that we investigated had a mutation in this newly identifiedgene. We believe that the mutation in this gene makes them predisposed to thedevelopment and progression of these types of NHL.”
Supported by Cancer Council QLD and Griffith
Supported by funding from the Cancer Council of Queensland, and a part of theGriffith University Lymphoma Project (GULP), these results may have importantimplications for how we diagnose and treat this disorder in the future, saysProfessor Griffiths.
“Understanding the genetic mechanisms behind this disease may allow for thedevelopment of better diagnostic tools and improved therapies, ultimatelyimproving the survival rates for patients.”
“Lymphoma is the most common blood cancer, being more common than bothleukaemia and multiple myeloma. It causes 11 per cent of childhood cancers andis the most common cause of blood cancer death, with rates of lymphomascontinuing to increase at 4 per cent per year,” says Professor Griffiths.
This trial is recruiting participants nationwide. To find out more please call07 5552 9201 (leave name and phone number and you will be contactedby clinic staff) or email [email protected]