Recognising the benefits of patient centred research, the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation (GCHF)and Griffith Health Institute (GHI) have announced the 2012 Collaborative Grants.
Four ambitious research teams, all of which place the patient at the centre of their work, willcommence next month.

“These grants offer researchers from both institutions the opportunity to join forces, develop acollaborative relationship and tap into the unique environment where researchers, health
professionals and patients are connected – three vital components to effective and progressivehealth research,” said Professor Lyn Griffiths, director of the Griffith Health Institute.
Congratulations to the following four successful research teams who will each receive around$20,000 to further their research:

1. Development of a novel treatment for paediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) toimprove client access & outcomes
Dr Lara Farrell, Dr Allison Waters, Professor Harry McConnell, Dr Vinay Garbharran and Dr EvelinTiralongo.

2. Evaluating the differences in antimicrobial use amongst Intensive Care Units within Gold CoastHospitals: Implications for the management of intubated intensive care patients.
Dr Gary Grant, Mr Jack Cross, Professor John Gerrard, Ms Heena Kumar, Dr Sohil Khan, MsTrudy McGovern.

3. Confirmation of the role of the novel oncogene JK-1 in colorectal cancer: Developing a newbiomarker and groundwork for extended research.
Professor Alfred Lam, Dr Cu-Tai Lu, Dr Robert Smith, Dr Vinod Gopalan.

4. Developing interventional strategies for doctors and nursing staff to ensure continued optimalcare of ICU patients during hospital relocation
Dr Frances Lin, Professor Andrea Marshall, Professor Wendy Chaboyer, Ms Jane Hancock, MsNadja Hartzenberg, Ms Michelle Foster.

“Co-location of the new Gold Coast University Hospital with the Griffith Health Institute at GriffithUniversity’s Gold Coast campus will be fantastic. However, relocation to a new facility comes withits challenges. In this case, it is of utmost importance that we identify the issues related to thetransition to a new hospital facility and develop strategies to avoid them. This will have the bestpossible outcome to maintain optimal care for patients and their families during the transitionprocess,” said Dr Frances Lin, chief investigator for one of the successful projects.