International business woman Therese Rein is among the distinguished Australians to receive an honorary doctorate from Griffith University this week.

Ms Rein, wife of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, is the founder and Managing Director of Ingeus, an international employment services provider, and CEO of Assure Programs, an Australian-based business psychology services company.

Ms Rein has a long association with Griffith having contributed to the design of a Vocational Rehabilitation Course, the development of a graduate certificate of employment services based on that course, plus an occasional role as guest lecturer.

She will receive her DUniv at Thursday night’s graduation ceremony at the Brisbane Convention Centre.

A total of 16 ceremonies across Logan, Brisbane and Gold Coast will see 8000 Griffith students graduate this month.

WATCH the Graduation ceremonies live here

Ms Rein will be joined by Francois Klaus, Artistic Director of the Queensland Ballet, as a DUniv when he receives his honorary award on Friday night in Brisbane. They follow high-profile swimming coach Laurie Lawrence and former CEO of Gold Coast Health, Dr Adrian Nowtizke, who each received a DUniv at Gold Coast ceremonies on Tuesday.

Ms Rein will receive her Honorary Doctrate for services to business.

“It’s very affirming and humbling to be recognised in this way.” she said. “And of course exciting.”

“When I told my Mum, she said that my Dad would have been immensely proud.”

Mr Klaus has been instrumental in his role as the Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer of the Queensland Ballet Company. In the past 15 years he has done his best to move beyond the old stereotypes and popularise ballet as a serious artform including dance, music and theatre.

“I am very pleased to receive the award,” he said. “I have tried very hard to bring the Queensland Ballet Company forward and gain the respect and support of the local community and its institutions, such as Griffith University.”

The ceremonies will also feature a cast of students and guest speakers, and their teachers, covering all fields of study from the Arts, Business, Education, Law, Health, Science, Engineering, Environment and Technology.