Youth, music, ageing, gender, ethnicity and lifestyle practices are just some of the topics to be explored at the Youth Cultures conference at South Bank this week (November 23-24).

Convenor Professor Andy Bennett says it’s important that youth cultures be recognised as a legitimate part of society.

“A key theme of the conference is belonging, it’s what all young people strive for, what they want,’’ he said.

“Whether they find it in sport, dance or friendship or some other form of expression, they want to feel involved and we want to know what creates the conditions for them to feel involved.”

Hosted by the Griffith Centre for Cultural Research, the conference will explore the connections between youth cultural practices and transitions.

Professor Bennett said concepts like citizenship and responsibility may be too adult for young people and we need to know what is relevant for them.

“They are the future of our society. If we don’t support youth then we will repeat the social problems of the past.”

Keynote speakers include: