We are delighted to report that we have again been successful
this year in being awarded ARC Discovery Project grants and ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) for projects commencing in 2013.

Our warmest congratulations to the following successful applicants:
Professor Patrick Weller was awarded $269,392 for his projectPrime Ministers: explaining why some succeed and others fail. Dr Dennis Grube received an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award for $358,890 for his projectThe public face of the Public Service: the significance of public bureaucratic leadership in Westminster systems.
We would also like to extend our congratulations to current Centre member, Dr Wesley Widmaier who is a partner ina Discovery project titledFrom Words to Deeds: the Politics of Compliance in Post-crisis International Tax Reformadministered through University of Tasmania.
These awards mean Griffith University retains its position as second only to ANU in the number of successful ARC grants awarded over a ten year period in thefields of political science and policy and administration.