Corn in fight against rare disease

Genetically engineered corn may hold the key to making the treatment of a life-threatening disease affordable. An international research team led by scientists at Simon Fraser University and Griffith’s University’s Institute for Glycomics have inserted a section of DNA code into maize seed to produce alpha-L-iduronidase in the corn kernel. Alpha-L-iduronidase breaks down sugar molecules […]

2012 Leaders Lecture and Second Track Dialogues in Beijing

Griffith Asia Institute
Griffith University and Peking University in collaboration with the Queensland Government have established a future oriented partnership between Australia and China. The China-Australia relationship is today characterized by a desire on both sides to inject greater depth into exchanges of information and knowledge, as well as by the shared goal of promoting enhanced understanding between […]

Global Shell Games

Centre for Governance and Public Policy
All organized crime is driven by profit and facilitated by financial secrecy, while terrorism also depends on secret funding. For large sums of dirty money there is no better device than an untraceable shell company for providing this secrecy. This paper reports the results of an experiment soliciting offers for prohibited untraceable shell companies. Our […]

Massive savings beckon from IV drip research

Griffith Health
A Griffith Health Institute (GHI) study into the use of IV drips in hospital wards has the potentialto save the Australian economy millions each year. The new research published in The Lancet suggests that the millions of intravenous cathetersused each year can be safely changed only when clinically necessary, overturning 40 years ofaccepted practice involving […]