AusAID Scholarship Australia China Alumni Award 2012

Caption R to L: Vice Chancellor Professor Ian O’Connor presents Dr Pan with his AusAID Scholarships Australia China Alumni Award at the Griffith Alumni event in Beijing recently. Pictured also is Edward Smith, Founder and Steering Committee member of the ACAA

Dr. Pan is an Adjunct Professor at Griffith’s School of Public Health and is currently a Professor at the Peking University Health Science Centre. Dr. Pan completed an Australian Leadership Award (ALA) fellowship at Griffith University where he was in priority areas such as climate change and health to advance regional policy objectives and increase institutional capacity of Australian partner countries such as China.

Dr. Pan has 20 articles published in high impact environmental health and climate change internationally refereed journals; an international grant titled: “The study for interactions between air particles and climate change with relation to health effects of population in China”, funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China (2010-2012); nine graduate student supervisions in his research team with projects focused on climate change, air pollution and related health effects in China; and one PhD and two Master of Public Health supervisions in 2010.

AusAid Scholarships Australia China Alumni Award 2012

Dr. Pan Xiaochuan – Professor at the Peking University Health Science Centre Winner of AusAID Scholarships Australia China Alumni Award
Griffith University Alumnus, Beijing Based