Griffith student Steven Vernon is looking forward to graduating next year with degree in Environmental Engineering and building a career he could once only dream about.

Environmental engineers work in a broad range of areas including finding cleaner and more eco-efficient manufacturing processes for industry. In a recent project, Steven was working on solutions for a large mining operator. Not only did he find ways to make the business environmentally cleaner but his plan will also save the operator up to a half a million dollars over the next five years.

This is all a far cry from Steven’s former position as a call centre operator.

“I wanted more from life, and I was interested in engineering but I lacked confidence. I just wasn’t sure if I had it in me,” Steven said.

Steven was 31 years old when he sat the Aptitude for Engineering Assessment. This is an exam which Griffith University offers each year to students who may be interested in a career in engineering but who might otherwise miss out on a place.

The Aptitude for Engineering Assessment is a two and a half hour multiple choice test that assesses a candidate’s aptitude to think scientifically, solve quantitative problems, critically analyse information and display interpersonal understanding.

The exam is currently being offered to current Year 12 students, mature age and international applicants who may not have the prerequisite course or tertiary entrance score, or wish to have information about their aptitude for engineering considered with their school or documented results.

Successful students will receive admission into the Bachelor of Engineering or the Bachelor of Engineering Technology at either the Nathan or Gold Coast campuses.

And you don’t have to come to South East Queensland to sit the aptitude assessment. The exam will also be held in regional centres throughout the State including Bundaberg, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Mackay, Townsville, and Cairns.

For Steven Vernon, taking that first step to finding out if engineering was right for him has shaped his whole future.

Last year he was awarded the Australian Mining and Minerals Institute (AUSIMM) scholarship for academic excellence

“I have gone from taking the test and not knowing if I was good enough to become an engineer to being one of the top students in my course,” Steven said.

There may be some other steps to a successful entry into the Griffith School of Engineering.

For example successful applicants without the Maths B prerequisite will be offered a complimentary bridging course. Applicants are still required to register with the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).

If you would like to sit the Aptitude for Engineering Assessment you will need to register before 11 September 2012. Registrations will only be offered online. For information visit