Griffith invites you to meet Chanelle Baker — Regional Director, Western Europe & Scandinavia will be visiting Zurich, Switzerland for a Student Seminar by Griffith University & Study Smart.

Hello to our Suisse friends, from Griffith University in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast — Queensland, Australia!

For those of you who are interested in discovering more about study in Australia and the fantastic study opportunities on offer at Griffith University and GELI (the Griffith English Language Institute) for international students, we encourage you to meet with Chanelle for the Griffith University / Study Smart Information seminar:

When & where?

Date: Wednesday 9th May

Time: 19.00 — 21.00

Venue: Zurich Central Train Station (HB Zurich), Au Premier, Salon Rudolf, 2nd floor of central train station.

For more details and to register, please contact:

Ms Patricia Perrot — Studysmart GmbH

Tel: +41 44 500 96 98

E-mail: [email protected]


We look forward to seeing soon in beautiful Zurich!

Contact details for Chanelle:

Chanelle Baker

Regional Director, Western Europe & Scandinavia

Griffith International

Griffith University

E-mail: [email protected]
