Jessica Jonassen packs a great deal into her life. The 19 year old Griffith Law School student is getting back into her studies, after touring India with the Australian Women’s cricket side, the CBA Southern Stars.
“It was a tremendous honour to represent Australia and then to win the series 7 -1 makes it even more special,” Jessica said.
“Experiencing the Indian culture and learning how to play under those hot conditions was also a very valuable experience,” she said.
This is Jessica’s second overseas tour, and she is already looking forward to next year’s 20/20 World Cup in Sri Lanka. While Jessica’s first passion is cricket, the law comes a close second.
“My Dad and oldest sister are both business and legal studies teachers in high school, so I have always had some interest in law,” Jessica said.
Jessica fits her studies in around a punishing schedule of 8 to 10 hours training each week. She can also be away for weeks at a time, but she says the Griffith Law School community always provides her with terrific support.
“I have a great relationship with lecturers and tutors,” Jessica said. “They know if I am going to be away, and when I get back they always ask how I went,” she said.
“If I’m going to miss exams, they help me by organising another time, which means I have one less stressful thing to think about while I’m away.”
While Jessica wants to play cricket for as long as possible, she hasn’t yet decided what the rest of her future holds.
“I’m still studying and I haven’t yet found an area of law which has made me think that’s what I really want to practice in,” Jessica said,
“So I’ll just keep going and hopefully it will all fall into place,” she said.
In the meantime Jessica has sound advice for girls who are interested in a sport which has been traditionally dominated by boys.
“If you are interested, just give it a go, and then stick with it if it’s something you enjoy”, Jessica said.
“I grew up having to play cricket with boys and they gave me a hard time at first, but I didn’t let that get to me,” she said.
“The most important thing is, never let people tell you that you just aren’t good enough.”