Next time you drive along a smooth road in Southeast Queensland spare a
moment to thank a team of award-winning Griffith University researchers.
They have been working alongside state and local governments for the last 10 years to work out the best way to manage the maintenance of the road networks.
Their research has paved the way for better roads in SEQ.
And now that work has been formally recognised with the Griffith team among the winners at an awards night held by the Institute of Public Work Engineering Australia, Queensland Division (IPWEAQ).
As part of the Road Research Alliance (RRA), the team conducted a long-term pavement performance study in Southeast Queensland which took the 2011 Excellence Award for Innovation from the Institute.
The RRA has researched reasons why roads deteriorate in SEQ and come up with innovative ways to make councils’ budgets and maintenance schedules most effective.
The members of the RRA consist of the Griffith University Pavement Research Group, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads – South Coast and Brisbane Metropolitan Regions, Gold Coast City Council, Redland City Council
and Logan City Council.
The research looked at various factors, including the environmental impacts that
affected “pavement performance” in the long-term. This research has led to improvements and timely identification of road sections which require rehabilitation.
“One of the major research outcomes was the use of optimised work programs which help improve the condition of the road network for any given budget thereby enhancing the management of the road pavement asset,” said Dr Gary Chai
from Griffith’s Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Management and RRA
team leader.
“The award is a major milestone for the Alliance and recognises the project’s
implementation, excellence in innovation, commitment to sustainable practices
and promotion of environmental principles.
“I am pleased to see that the project has contributed positively to the members of
the Alliance and the engineering community in Southeast Queensland.”
Program director for the research, Professor Yew-Chaye Loo, said: “Civil Engineering research at Griffith has changed in emphasis over the past decade from such solid and rigorous work as structural engineering and applied mechanics to infrastructure asset management. This has helped research in this
mature discipline.
“This ongoing research is most relevant to SEQ, hence, the enthusiastic support
we have received from the local and state authorities of the region with their large
and continuous grants.”