The Women’s Health Expo “Women doing it for themselves” was held at the Gold Coast Campus 12th September and Nathan Campus 19th September.
The Expo took the form of a one day seminar series covering:
- Financial Well Being and retirement Planning
- Estate Planning and other legal matters
- Emotional Well Being “happiness and prevention of burn out”
- Physical Well Being.
Our guest speakers included a National Representative of Uni Super from Canberra at both Campuses, Associate Professor Annalise O’Donovan – Deputy Head of School Psychology.
Dr Gretchen Hitchins GP Griffith University Health Service Gold Coast Campus, Dr Sue Gray GP Griffith University Health Service Nathan Campus, and Ros and Vivienne representing the Caxton Street Legal Service.
A large amount Women’s Health information and Literaure was made available for free on the day and supplied by various women’s health services both NGO and Government.
The event was a collaboration between Heather Cameron in HRM and Cynthia Pollard RN Griffith University Health Service as part of the health promotion on campus project.
The Expo was aimed at female Academic and General Staff. Both series were well attended with approximately 30 at each seminar at the Gold Coast and close to 50 attendees at the Nathan campus.
An evaluation is being forwarded to all who attended to gather formal feedback, and participants will be supplied all the speakers presentations and links for further information via e mail.
Both HRM and Griffith University Health Service are very happy to work on future projects together.
Cynthia Pollard RN
Griffith University Health Service
Nathan Campus.